Routine/ Emergency Appointments
All surgery consultations are by appointment only, we do not have a walk-in service.
You can use eConsult online forms to request an appointment for a medical problem or to ask for administrative help. If you are unable to use eConsult you can call reception who will ask few questions regarding the problem. All online eConsult and telephone requests are triaged by an experienced clinician and an appointment is arranged with the appropriate staff.
Why eConsult
Due to the increased demand for appointments we have implemented a comprehensive triage system for managing patient requests for appointments and allocating them to the appropriate clinician (such as GPs, GP trainees, nurses, clinical pharmacists, and physician associates). Patients can access the system through our website by filling out an eConsult form or by calling reception, where a receptionist will assist them in filling out the form.
We understand that eConsult forms can be lengthy, but the information provided is crucial for the clinician triaging/treating the patient's issue or request.
All forms are triaged by a clinician on the same day, and appointments are allocated as either face-to-face or telephone consultations, depending on the patient's clinical presentation, preference, or as administrative work for GPs or secretaries. Patients are informed of the outcome on the same day or the following day. According to the last official figures from NHS England, 90% of our allocated appointments were face-to-face.
We offer a set number of routine and emergency appointments daily and depending on clinical need, when all our on the day appointments are full, patients may be directed to call 111 or given appointments at our local hub.
Why sometimes we close eConsult early:
Online eConsult is open between 7:00 am and 12:00 pm weekdays. This is to be able to deal with the increase demand safely. Patients who can not use the Online eConsult, are still able to contact the surgery by telephone and the receptionist can fill a form called (eConsult Lite) for them if they wish to do so and it is not an urgent request on the day.
For continuty of care and whenever possible a patient will see the doctor with whom they are registered or who have dealt with their problem before. This is not always possible as many of our clinical staff works part-time. If you request an appointment with a particular clinician there might be a delay to have a consultation with them depending on their availability.

Home Visits
If possible, please try to telephone reception before 10:30 if you require a home visit. When calling please give reception as much detail as possible to enable the doctor to prioritise house calls.
You may only request a home visit if you are housebound or are too ill to visit the practice. You will be contacted by a clinician from the surgery to assess your problem and to decide if and when a visit is needed if the problem can't be dealt with over the phone.
You will be visited by a clinician which might not be your regular GP e.g. The Surgery Paramedic or Community Nurse from the Rapid Response team.
Audio or Video Recording of Consultations
Ocasionally you may be asked if you mind your consultation being recorded on audio or video for training purposes. If you agree you will then be asked to sign a consent form. Intimate physical examinations will not be recorded and the recorder will be switched off at your request.
For intimate examinations or procedures the health professionals may use a chaperone. If you would like to be accompanied by a chaperone please tell the doctor who will arrange for a fully trained member of staff to attend.
Interpreting Services
The reception team can book telephone interpreting for a range of languages. An interpreter can also be pre-booked for a specific consultation if required. Please let reception know in advance if you require this service.
Cancel an Appointment
It is important that you inform the reception staff if you are unable to attend your appointment, this will allow that appointment to be offered to another patient. You can also cancel your appointments via the online apps (NHS App, Patient Access, MyGP App).
Text Reminder Service
We have a texting service which allows you to receive confirmation and reminders about your appointments.
To opt out of this service you will need to fill in a form at reception.
Please remember to update your contact details with us when you change address, telephone numbers or email.
Opening Times
Access & Parking
Car Parking
We are unable to provide parking for patients' cars. Public car parks are available nearby.
Public Transport
There is a bus stop serving the following routes on the main road outside the surgery:
W8 | Picketts Lock to Potters Bar via Chase Farm Hospital |
W9 | Southgate Station to Chase Farm Hospital |
W10 | Enfield Town to Crews Hill Station |
Disabled Access
For patients in wheelchairs, there is a ramp leading up to the surgery. We also have purpose built toilet facilities for disabled patients and a lift for first floor consultation rooms.
GP and Practice Nurse Training
The practice is approved for the training of GPs and practice nurses. Any doctor receiving training at the practice is already qualified with extensive experience in hospital work. The doctors training to be GPs usually work with us for one year and deal with all aspects of your medical care. Trainee GPs are supervised by their GP trainers (Dr Iqbal, Dr Youssef and Dr Gubbay) as well as by other established GPs.
The parctice is also approved to training Foundation Year 2 (FY2) doctors who are in their second year after graduation and who are attached to the surgery for four months to learn how to manage patients in a GP setting. FY2 doctors discuss each patient they see with a supervising GP.
Occasionally medical students or student nurses gaining their community experience, work with the doctors and practice nurses. The receptionist will tell you if a student is working with the doctor or nurse. Please inform the receptionist if you do not wish the student to be present during your consultation.