Services & Self Referral
Self Referral Services
For specific services you can Self Refer without asking your GP, Please see services below:
Maternity care at:
- Barnet/Royal free hospital:
- North Middlesex hospital:
Eye problems:
Book your Blood Test at CFH:
All X-Ray is a walking service at Chase Farm Hospital no appointment requiered
Therapy and Community Services Self-Referral Portal:
Termination of pregnancy: ; ;
Attached Services
The District Nurses
We have a small team of district nurses: Marcina, Adi, Natasha, Leena and Doris. The district nurses can be contacted on 020 8363 8518 during the day and on 0845 111 4000 after 17:00.
The Health Visitors
We have a small team of health visitors associated with the practice. Who you see will depend on the exact area in which you live. They assess the development of pre-school children and advise parents, including expectant mothers, on child care issues. They can be contacted during the day on 020 8363 4952. A health visitor can be contacted at night via Chase Farm Hospital on 0845 111 4000.
The Midwife
The practice has a midwife who shares both antenatal and postnatal care with the doctor. She holds antenatal clinics at the surgery between 13:30 and 15:15 twice a week. The midwife also works at the GP Unit where she delivers babies and visits all mothers after the birth of their babies. She can be contacted at the GP Unit at Chase Farm on 0845 111 4000.

Mental Health Organisations Support for Children
For information on organisations who support Children with Mental Health issues see: Mental Health organisations support for kids.pdf